Yesterday, wow.... ok it was a dynamic bench and also a triceps day as well. So We started with chain benches for speed. We never went heavy with this just tryed a few new things and worked on speed. So the sets looked like this...
Warm up then.
add 70 lbs of chain to the bar.
all sets were done with maximal force applied to bar, for speed.
45 (bar) x 10
135 x 6
Add red band stretched behind my back held with both hands to bar.
205 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
225 x 5
Take away bands and just keep the chains
225 x 5
135 x 10
135 x 10
135 x 10
The bands to this made this a very different feel to the lift but interesting.
next was dumbbell flat bench
115's for 4 sets of 8 to 10 reps each
next was a bunch of tri work, we did a good hour on this super setting between cable press downs and kennellys followed by a few sets of 12, 12, 12's on a flat bench with a curl bar. 12 close grip benchs, 12 skull crushers, and 12 behind the head pull overs. Then for shits after all that I went and fliped a 400 or 500 lbs tire in the back 1 time. wow that was hard.
then we left the gym, the end!
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