Dead Lift day..
135 x 10
135 x 10
225 x 6
225 x 6
225 x 3 plus 100 lbs of chain
315 x 3 plus 100 lbs of chain
405 x 3 plus 100 lbs of chain
495 x 0 plus 100 lbs of chain... sooo soo close at top
475 x 1 plus 100 lbs of chain
565 x 0 was pretty tired from the rest of the set couldnt get the bar moving from the bottom with any speed so it stalled half way up..
Bent over row with strait bar
225 for 4 sets of 8 reps
Kroc Rows... these fucking suck with only 120 lbs dumbbells since my fuck'd up gym thinks people arnt strong enough to lift anything heavier fucking pussy MMA fighters..
120's 2 sets of 8 reps
then I graped a curl bar and tossed a couple of 45's on each side ( total of 4 ) and did Kroc rows with this.. wasn't balanced right but neather are these fuck heads that took over the gym. ( btw they have everyone walking around in MMA shirts ) oh im getting pissed right now thinking about it...
so I did a few sets of 8 reps on each arm with this crazy set up...
did some nose pulls and some seated rows and called it a day...
BTW the update on the new equipment. Oh they didn't move any new gear in but they did move shit around and some how these fuck-tards made less room in there with 20 less peace's of gear. How the fuck do you do that. No places to put platforms or anything like this. Im really starting to think MMA fighters are idiots by the way these fuck asses put shit.. like for instance some seated bikes next to the squat rack, Bench Presses no where near any fucking 45's but dont worry they got 25's over there... Oh and the reason they told me they moved the bench presses is so when you get up now you can see your self in the mirror. That is a quote btw.. ARE YOU FUCKING SEROUS.... who fucking looks at them selfs after they bench press.. if there wasnt 30 fucking MMA fighters I might crack some heads but I think im a bit out number'd there..
anyways more and more I think im going to find another gym to goto soon...
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