Well it seems I am getting a bit better, hopefully tomorrow ill be back at the gym pushing more iron!
I think tomorrow I will also do some reviews of my gear I use and talk about why I use what I use. I'm gonna do this because a lot of the time I see people who don't have a clue as to what I'm wearing and why, So I'll do a video for it! What do you guys think?
And I was wondering if anyone would like tip's or maybe workout plan's/ ideas, maybe how to do a certain exercise, anything like that? The reason I'm looking at doing that is for a few reasons, I want to have good content you guys can enjoy, and also im planning on getting certified as a personal trainer and strength coach as I have been doing this on and off for years anyways, right? I think it sounds like a good idea. But please if anyone has any ideas regarding content they would like to see here please comment and let me know. I want this to be a growing and fun page for everyone to enjoy in the fitness/ exercise world! ( I know that did sound a bit chessy, haha oh well!)
So I broke down and took some Emergen-c (something I never wanted to do, just cause everyone seems to be doing it) WOW I must say it made a big difference very quickly. No wonder a lot of people use this stuff, damn why didn't I jump on this band wagon?
Back to some weight training talk. Today was suppose to be shoulders, but since I have been sick and I had 2 days of benching near or over 600 lbs with only 1 day of rest between my shoulders could use the rest. That kind of weight is hard on the joints you know! So I think I will do shoulders tomorrow but not go over board because we have another heavy day of benching come Sat. in Oregon City. This will be our 1st time working out with Adrian, Ben and there team.
Here is a video of them a few weeks back training!
Amazing power huh?
Our hopes of getting stronger and pushing our limits will defiantly be granted Sat by the looks of that! When there is that competitive drive we all get better and isn't that what this sport is all about?
I'm Going to close by saying, If you are interested at all or intrigued by my blog please follow me, and tell your friends to as well. Thanks, talk to you all tomorrow!
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