So after a brief warm-up I got to warm up squats.
add reverse bands
495x3 ( could have done 10 )
add knee wraps
585x3 (Felt easy but after last rep while trying to rack the weight the bar sliped off my back )
675x2 (easy, could have done more reps and more weight)
So after that I called it a day on the squats because the last set I smashed my Left ring finger while racking it. I definitely had an over 700 this day maybe even 750 to 775 range. (what if, right?) wow my finger is jacked up right now. very hard to type. Sat max effort day will be interesting in Oregon city with team primal power.
after this we did some hack squats with 400 lbs and some 800 lbs leg presses followed by some leg extensions and called it a day.
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