So I was told today I scared them when I did the dead lift because it was loud.. are you kidding me, this is a gym and I wasn't making much noise. Damn I could have been A LOT louder if she wanted me to be.
Anyways got up to 3 set's of 405 for 2 reps each, then I did a bunch of trap bar dead lifts I think 6 sets of 3 reps of about 350 lbs. Like I have said before I am taking the dead lift slow this year as I am trying to avoid injury. This is very important to me this time around. I have rushed this in the past and suffered for it.
I am sure I will pull over 500 this meet. I know its nothing crazy but id rather do it this way and hit over 600 at worlds then try to push it to quick and regret it later.
after these pulls we did some bent over rows on a hammer strength leg press machine and then some seated rows. Following this was 30 min of cardio work on the treadmill doing intervals.
Right now I'm sitting at a steady 269 the last few days but my food intake has been a bit high so I need to watch this a little more closely so the last few days are not as bad.
So right now I'm thinking my lift attempts are going to go something like this..
Bench Press 473, 540, 584 and maybe a 4th attempt of 600
Dead lift 435, 501, 534 or 540
So we will see how it goes..
So the nerves are getting a bit more as we get closer. I always worry about the form and everything on the bench press. Even thou I do this lift a lot and is my best lift I still worry about it.
Till tomorrow!
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