Ok, some of you may already know this but I have had Gout for about 6 years now. Today I have been doing some more studying on the subject and let me tell you its kinda depressing. Basically I have to take drugs to deal with the pain I'm faced with on a regular basis. Half of the time this only curbs the pain but doesn't fully resolve the issue.
For thou's of you who don't know what this is, its basically my body is creating to much uric acid from my kidney. ( at least as I understand it, I could be not 100% right on this but its the basic's as I understand them.) Then it crystallizes in my joints, for me this is in both of my ankles. This causes a lot of inflammation, stiffness and pain, sometimes unbearable break down and cry pain, and has even caused a kidney stone once.
Doctor's say there is no "cure", only ways to manage this condition. Basically there are foods I need to stay away from, a lot of them are protein based including meat and protein in general. The Gout diet is pretty much a vegetarian diet. But there even some veggi's on the list. The point of this basically with the research I did today, some of it very confusing I found some food's and products to stay clear of to try to help curb some of the flairs. I am trying hard to change some of these foods to reduce the mass use of Ibuprofen ( 3,000 to 6,000 mg per day ) These are the dosages I have had to use to curb the pain and get it to go away for a while.
These kinds of drugs ( even the prescriptions they often prescribe for gout) for long term use can cause ulsters, kidney failure, and many other problems. Of course these don't happen to everyone but I would prefer they don't happen to me.
So the bottom line is im going to be trying to maintain a balancing act in my diet to help with this as its a two edged sword im playing with here. I won't give up powerlifting as it is who I am. I was born to move heavy things and it gives me a reason to be at time's. I refuse to let this beat me, I will beat you gout. Gout you will not stop, or hinder my progress to greatness.
Sorry to ran't, just putting this out there.
Gout sufferer and weightlifter here. I am a nurse by profession and I realized it could be the tax on the joints that's causing microtears wherein the uric acid crystals deposit s itself. The reason we're more prone to it is because low-rep, heavy-weight training causes more micro-damage to the joints rather than the muscles. It's just a theory but I'm planning to switch on to a higher rep range without going too much into 3-5 rep maxes. Let you know if there's any improvement.