Max Effort bench day.
Today was 1 board in the cycle. It always gets harder when it gets close to touching. To bad my main work out partner was sick today. Got some food poisoning from a restaurant he had the night before. Then we went to a store today before we went to the gym and Tamara got a sandwich and got hella sick from that and was puking in the parking lot before the workout. So while she was puking I was warming up, then told her to hurry up because she had a work out to do. And lastly had to call in some extra spotters because my normal people weren't there so it made it a lot harder on some of the lift offs and spots as they were touching the bar when they weren't suppose to and sometimes giving shitty hand off's.. anyways bottom line thou gotta get the work done regardless....
Bench Press
Warm up's
bar x 10
135 x 10
225 x 6
315 x 6 off 1 board
Shirt Up in Super Katana
405 x 4 off 2 board
455 x 2 off 1 board ( Shit hand off and one of the side spotters kept touching the bar)
500 x 3 off 1 board
550 x 3 off 1 board
585 x 3 off 1 board
600 x 1 off 1 board
405 x 10 off 1 board
Bench wasn't the best its ever been but went well enough to get a good workout and my body got something from it.
Flat Dumbbell Bench
50's x 25 reps
50's x 25 reps
50's x 25 reps
60's x 25 reps
Kennelly Dumbbell tricep extensions
40's x 3 sets of 10 reps
Tricep Press downs
10 sets of 10 to 12 reps of different weights
Dumbbell Hammer curls
4 sets of 10 reps with 50's
Single Arm dumbbell flat bench's
4 sets of 10 reps with 80's
here is the video of today
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